Open Daily 11-9

Favorite Beer Things

Favorite Beer Things

At Crooked Lane, we love showcasing beers you might not see very often, striving to produce authentic versions that really educate about a given beer style (Doppelbock, anyone?) 

Some of these beers might not immediately catch your eye when you visit the taproom, but you might find out an Alt or Munich Dunkel is your new favorite malty beer. 

Have you ever wondered what kind of beer we love? Well I did, and so I asked!

Brian- Taproom Manager / Everyman of Crooked Lane: One of my favorite beer styles is the classic American IPA (West Coast, of course). If it's not a classic style by now, then it should be! It's the first style of beer I enjoyed beyond the tried and true American Lager. With so many bold and adventurous beer styles available today, it's always nice to fall back to basics. The American IPA has just the right balance of malt profile and a dry finish - the perfect place to showcase hops in all their glory.

Ellen- Head Brewer, Veep of Pink Boots Society, BJCP judge: Beer Style: German Pilsner (Northern German Pils and Bavarian Pils both included).

  • How would you describe it? Crisp, snappy, noble hop forward aroma and flavor with a clean grainy-sweet malt foundation and a medium bitterness to balance the drinking experience.
  • Why is it your favorite? It's such a drinkable style, but capable of exhibiting both nuance and complexity. 
  • Can you describe your favorite, and/or a time you had this beer that was a memorable experience? I was in a lagering cellar in Bavaria in 2018, and the brewer poured me a sample off one of the tanks, a Pilsner hopped with fresh Saphir. I was already way into Pilsner, but I'll never forget how delicious this beer was in that moment. I returned to the US, and have not stopped brewing Saphir-hopped Pilsners since then.

Adrian- Co-Founder and solver of Problems: I love Kolsch more than any other beer, but Berliner Weisse is a close second- the clean lactic tartness in a low-ABV beer that tastes like adult lemonade. There is nothing more refreshing. My desert island has two taps, one has Kolsch and the other Berliner Weisse.

Dano- Brewer and Flavor Specialist: Pilsner, I am a brewer! That Czech Pils especially is my favorite flavor. We haven't made it yet here at the 'Lane, but we want to so we brewers can drink it!

Kirt- Co-Founder and Holder of Sales Reins: I have to admit, I totally love hazy IPA’s. I get excited whenever we brew Roaky Mandarina because I love that citrusy burst of hops! I love all kinds of IPA, but especially a fresh Hazy. I’m especially looking forward to Swamp Angel coming back again.

Teresa- It’s impossible to settle on one style- there are just too many good beers and I can’t choose. I can tell you I have a deep, abiding love for Sierra Nevada Pale Ale that I don’t think will ever go away. It’s like home base in a beer world gone wild, and the perfect version of itself. It’s like Adam to innovation’s Eve in the modern craft beer story we are living in. Long live SNPA!


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